Have you heard of 'moon milk'? What is it and is it good for you?

Have you heard of 'moon milk'? What is it and is it good for you?

The new Ayurvedic sleep trend taking over Instagram.

Maybe you’ve heard of ‘moon milk’—the DIY Ayurvedic sleep trend that’s all over Instagram right now? Snap-happy foodies and bloggers are going crazy for these dreamy pastel pink, blue, purple and green concoctions.

But far from being a novelty sip that just looks good for the ‘gram, moon milk supposedly has some pretty amazing health benefits, too. Keep reading to find out why curling up with this warm, caffeine-free beverage could be the secret trick to getting a restful night’s sleep!

So, what is moon milk?

Moon milk is made by warming milk in a saucepan, adding a dollop of honey, coconut oil or ghee, and stirring in a variety of spices, herbs and superfoods. According to the health experts, sipping on moon milk before bed may actually help you fall asleep quicker and drift into a peaceful slumber more easily.

But, let’s not forget the most important ingredient in moon milk— Ashwagandha (or Withania). Ashwagandha is a medicinal, adaptogenic herb that’s been used for over 3,000 years in India to help relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue.

Originally derived from the Ayurvedic tradition, moon milk is deeply rooted in the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit. According to the ancient Indian healing practice, drinking warm milk with ashwagandha before bed prepares your mind for sleep and helps you to nod off faster.

Not surprising really, since milk contains tryptophan, which is a serotonin-producing amino acid that’s said to induce sleepiness. Combine that with ashwagandha and you’ve created the ultimate calming, lull-inducing, sleepy drink!  

Did you know?

Supplementing with ashwagandha can significantly reduce your cortisol levels (aka stress hormone) by 30%?

(Dr Biswajit Auddy)

How does moon milk get its colourful hue?

The colour of your moon milk all depends on what superfoods and spices you use in your recipe. For example, ingredients like butterfly pea flower and blue spirulina (a type of microalgae) create a vibrant blue colour that wellness influencers are calling the ‘Mermaid Latte’.

Beetroot powder or a dash of tart cherry, cranberry or raspberry juice will create a pretty bubblegum pink colour. While blueberries, lavender and purple carrots produce a bewitching lilac potion. If you’re feeling super adventurous, you can even recreate this Christmas-inspired, sweet cinnamon bun moon milk. *drools*

Mixing and matching health benefits

The best part about moon milk? You can tailor the health benefits and healing properties of your recipe by mixing and matching fun rainbow ingredients in whatever combination you prefer!

Turmeric is the golden star of the show on Instagram, boasting powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as well as brain-boosting benefits linked to the growth hormone, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Ingredients plucked from the ocean, like nutrient-dense marine algae, are also growing in popularity due to their alkalising and detoxification benefits. You might even like to stir in some maca root powder, which supposedly can help you spice things up in the bedroom!

Some of the most popular superfoods, spices and garnishes you can add to your moon milk recipes include:

- Turmeric

- Cinnamon

- Nutmeg

- Cardamon

- Cacao

- Dried rose petals

- Lavender

- Reishi mushroom

- Manuka honey

- Vanilla bean

- Cayenne pepper 

- Chamomile

- Chai spices

- Collagen

- Chlorella

Can you make dairy-free moon milk?

Although traditional moon milk recipes call for cow’s milk, there’s no reason why vegans and those with a lactose intolerance can’t enjoy this heart-warming beverage. You’ll find a bunch of sleepy moon milk recipes on the internet that substitute cow’s milk for almond, oat, coconut and even cashew nut milk.

When is the best time to drink moon milk?

Right before bed! Incorporating a mug of homemade moon milk into your nighttime routine is the perfect way to shepherd you into dreamland. So pop on your PJs, get out your favourite book and cozy up with a cuppa 20-30 minutes before shut eye.

Studies show that practising the same routine to help you prepare for bed every night, can help your brain unwind so that when your head hits the pillow, you don’t need to count sheep. So if you’re one of those people who is always exhausted when you get home from work, but constantly struggle to turn off your thoughts, give moon milk a go! You might be surprised to learn that it’s the secret to sleeping like a baby.

Ready to start whipping up your own moon milk recipes? You might be interested in our herbs and spices, herbal tea collection or natural sweeteners. Want to shop our full range of superfoods? Head right this way. Happy snoozing!

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